=>3500 Eiger: Hasnaat's Work 04.03.13


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Monday 4 March 2013

0 Hasnaat's Work 04.03.13

A Short Story


Gunshots devoured the once peaceful air. He tried to catch his breath but he knew that he couldn’t stop. Although he was exhausted to death, he still, unwillingly, ran and ran. He wondered how long he would be running and hoped he would make it back safely.                                                                                                                                      

“C’mon Kittycat, we can’t stop now. They can’t get us, or they’ll kill us!”, the boy called Shane, frantic, closed into a dark alleyway. It smelt like danger…


                                                                        2 Hours Ago

“Completely grotesque. Spitfire’s first hairball! Amazing! Okay. We’ve to run to the store to get some food I’ve got $5. Enough to get us some breakfast!”, the boy called Shane carefully crossed the road watching out for any cars.


Outside, the sign ‘Hunters’ (the name of the shop they were about to enter) was tilting as Shane entered.

“Let’s see. They’ve got tuna, salmon and chicken. We’ll take all of them, and for me a refreshing  egg mayonnaise sandwich!!”, Shane enthusiastically stated.

So far, their day had been nothing but a nice exultant day to relax. But all was ruined when the boy called Shane spied a nasty and dangerous sight. It was the gang. Even worse, every gang member was there. They were searching for him because of the drugs that were



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