=>3500 Eiger: June 2014


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Visitor Counter

Wednesday 11 June 2014

0 PGL trip information

You have to be in school on Sunday 15th by 11:30am. Ensure that you have eaten a big breakfast as you will have dinner at around 6pm when you arrive. We suggest that you bring a snack and a drink to carry with you to eat at the centre. Furthermore, you will need to bring a suitcase (preferably on wheels) for all your equipment and clothes to carry. You are also suggested to bring a rucksack for any excess equipment.

On the journey, you are either driven on coach 1 or 2 - please remember which coach you were informed to board. You were also told which activity group you are in, along with the group leader you are with and people who will be accompanying and sharing a cabin with. You are expected to be in bed by 9pm and be asleep by 10pm, as you will wake up very early with a loud knock!

It is suggested to bring either an alarm clock or a watch to know what time to wake up or what time it currently is. You can also bring a disposable camera to capture the memories, however, nothing valuable, electrical of battery operated is aloud during the course of the 4 days. Please do not bring sprays or perfume apart from deodorants.