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Wednesday 2 April 2014

Write a non-chronological report 

This chronological report is about a rare and endangered species of the spider: the Green- Backed spider- where recent studies indicate that only 2% of this menacing kind of beast remain across the globe.

Sightings indicate, that the Green-Backed spider resides on: a tree in the tropical Amazon Rainforest on the verge of extinction (the Bongo Bongo tree) as scientists believe in the next six months, this extraordinary tree will die out completely. Recently, witnesses have also reported that this unique tree has a record-breaking diameter of forty meters and an endless height; extending the tree towards sunlight. Moreover, the Bongo Bongo has gorgeous, luscious green leaves attracting several birds and insects however, it is highly advisable to approach the Bongo Bongo tree with care and caution due to nail-biting cacti which can result (if touched) in severe pain.

With a resembled green shade- camouflaging it's body through the unique trees of the Amazon in surrounding- the Green Backed spider has one of the utmost solid, hard-back bodies of any living creature as an experiment on the sturdiness of the shell unveiled that even a well-crafted knife was not able to rip through this abnormal armour and also shattered it into pieces. It's crimson red, laser, devil eyes may look daunting and horrifying, but the reality is that the senses of this creature is the  weakest of the five. But this does not result in a lack of hearing. This Deadly 60 featured creature is unapproachable without caution and care due to it's 100% accuracy and precision when spitting poisonous venom at prey and predators. Another caution to be on the search for, is the poisonous prickly legs, where local inhabitants have unfortunately died as a result of this heinous act. Furthermore, the sting leaves a human paralyzed and the chance of survival is 0% due to the nearest hospitality available is a huge distance despite the size of this pest being less than a thumb size (3cm).

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