=>3500 Eiger: SATs style writing activity 14.11.12


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Wednesday 7 November 2012

1 SATs style writing activity 14.11.12

This is a SATs style activity. Please feel free to have a go. You can publish on the Blog or bring it in to me. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Children in need
    To citizens of south park,

    Today we have been extremely happy to say that class 5B has raised so much money it was at least £285 due to lots of fun activities in their class.So far they are the best money makers!Also we are delighted to say that they are very happy.The rest of the classes done absolutely atrocious!One of the biggest money spender in class 5B announced:"This is great we have raised £285 fantastic!"

    Also,Class 5B is going to be so generous and they are giving away all of their money to the children in need!Can you imagine one class that has 20 pupils raised £285?This is why they raised a huge amount of money:They had 2 trips which costed both £30 per person and everyone attended,they had a bake sale which was mouth watering!Also they were invited to a big party(only their class because they are lucky for some reason...)

    Class 5B was so happy,they had a wonderful time because they raised loads of money unlike the other classes who only raised up to £10!Would you raise money so your dreams might come true?

    by Aleena
