=>3500 Eiger: SATs style writing activity 10.11.12


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Wednesday 7 November 2012

1 SATs style writing activity 10.11.12


1 comment:

  1. Fire drill

    Welcome to my leaflet my name is Aleena and i will now talk to you about this serious matter that happens at school.This is about a fire Drill,the KS1 pupils had now reached to a Fire Drill, unfortunately they didn't know how a fire drill goes like and they didn't know how to escape from a fire drill.Happily Miss Rosie knew what to do when a Fire alarm goes off so she just gave a little bit of advise to the pupils but i will give you lots of advise......

    Firstly,when the Fire Drill goes off then you stay calm(don't get hyped)and quickly line up the door silently with calmness.Then the teacher would take you down the stairs.If there is fire when you just go down the stairs simply go the other way then you would be outside(hooray!).After that your teacher would mark the register to see if everyone is outside.After that a teacher would come out from the building then they would say if it was a real fire drill or not a real fire drill.

    Then with silence you go back to your class then you calm down.When you have a Fire drill always try to escape fast and silently so people would know if its a real fire or not a real fire!Thank you for listening to my extra advise to you and always escape quickly and quietly,if its not a real fire stay quiet!Even if its a real fire drill.

    By Aleena
