=>3500 Eiger: Literacy homework 11/10/12


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Thursday, 11 October 2012

4 Literacy homework 11/10/12

Year  6                   Date: 11th October 2012
Let’s Learn Together
Homework Activities
Please help your child to complete the following activities over the next few days and return to school on Tuesday. Please write any comments you have at the bottom of this sheet in the comment box – thank you.
Maths work
Your child’s Maths set teacher will be setting homework this week and this should be sent home with this sheet.
Please support your child in completing their homework, making any comments on the actual sheet.
Topic work
Research Tutankhamen and explain his life story. From birth to his mysterious death.  
Literacy work
In Literacy this week we have been looking at newspaper features, planning and writing them. Look at a good newspaper and rewrite in your own words. Remember the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where and why?). You can create your own headline, sub-headings and captions. In as much detail as you can.
Word activities
Use a dictionary and find the meaning of 5 different words. Learn the word and write 3 sentences per word. You can extend yourself by making complex sentences!
Your child takes home a book, please talk to your child about the book and what he/ she liked and did not like about it.
Parent comment box – please write any comments you have about your child’s homework activities.


  1. Mr Ahmed do you have to writ a full news report ?

    1. Yes Amal. As detailed as possible.

  2. Mr Ahamed you are going to rely like my home work i cant wait!!

  3. Omg you spelt really wrong Zara
